Painter, his painting is figurative, but magic realism. He exhibits since 1973 and performed numerous exhibitions in France, Canada, States, Spain, Morocco, Switzerland. His last main exhibition was in 2004 at the Senate in Paris. He prepares an exhibition in Paris Galerie Visconti.
Portraitist, he realised several personalities portraits : danseurs étoiles Jelko Yuresha et Belinda Wrigt, Dame Nancy Chopard-Sain, Patrick de Brou de Laurière… He is also portraitist of animals: cats and dogs, and houses
Composeur, he writes an atonal music but with melody. He has been performed in France, United States, Portugal, Belgium, Marocco, Egypt, by the best solists : Elizabeth Allen, Liliana Bizinèche, Gérard Caussé, Guy Condette, Henri Demarquette, Pierre Deville, Nathalie Espalier, Martine Géliot, Walter Grimmer, Thierry de Gromard, Caroline Haffner-Princesse Murat, Eugen Indjic, Corinne Laporte, Eliot Lawson, Donald Mac Call, Alain Marion, Catherine Michel, Bruno Pasquier, Philippe Pierlot, Max Rabinovitsj, Bruno Ricaud, Léontina Vaduva, Dominique de Williencourt, Pierre Henry Xuereb…
Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Poitiers,
he created a diploma of Art-therapy where he teaches the relation between art
and medicine to artists who will help sick people making them art creation
: painting, music, dance, theater. In 2007,he was ask as expert for the creation
of a master of Art-therapy in Canada at Sherbrooke and Rouy-Noranda in Abitibi-Témiscamingue
In November 2008 he organized the 1st international congress of
Art and Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Poitiers.
He gives many conferences on Art and Medicine in France, Italy, Finland, Portugal
and Russia.
Cultural trips: he participates to the organization of cultural trips with Servitours in France, Finland and Portugal.
Atelier Visconti - 4 rue Visconti - 75006 Paris
Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 19h
Tel: 01 43 25 44 48 - 06 11 16 98 89